Simple Ways To Improve Your Morning Routine

Edapt Wellness
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


How you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have- Lemony Snicket

Enjoying the golden rays and having a well-planned morning routine will be the best way to kick off your day. Maybe you will be a morning person or night owl, however making a routine to follow after waking up everyday will make you more productive,energetic and helps you to do all things in a relaxed manner, not in a hurry.Some important points to keep in mind while developing your own morning routine are being flexible,consistent, avoiding mental fatigueness and making use of modern technology.

Below given are some simple steps you can follow on every morning:

  • Don’t Snooze your alarm: Having a sound sleep is vital for good mental and physical health and mainly you snooze your alarm when you are not getting the right amount of sleep. For each individual the amount of sleep needed for their full functioning is different, some may only need four hours and some may need eight or nine hours. First and foremost you must understand your sleep cycle and schedule your sleep according to it. Set your alarm by ensuring that you are getting enough sleep and it will help you to wake up at the right time when the alarm rings. Also practice to keep your phone away from you so that you have to get away from your bed to turn off the alarm.
  • Plan your day ahead: On the previous night before going to bed try to make a list of works you have to do on the next day and also plan a time schedule needed to complete all those work. Planning priorly helps you to get an idea on what all works to be done and also saves time.
  • Don’t look at your phone: After waking up, if looking at your phone is the very first thing you do it has more worse effects than good on you . It may make u feel that you are already behind in your day and it may make it more difficult for you to prioritize the task. By leaving our phones we can start our day by being more relaxed and mindful.
  • Hydrate Yourself: Drinking water in the morning helps you to rehydrate your body as the body is not taking the needed water for many hours. It also has many other benefits such as it improves a person’s mental performance,alertness,immune system, increase metabolism,reduce weight and also helps to reduce toxins from the body. Water is an essential ingredient for a healthy life so never get tired of drinking a glass or more in an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Do Some Exercises: Having some workout in the morning will give you the required energy for the whole day and also helps to focus better on the entire day. Major perks of working out in the morning is that there will be only fewer distractions and you can enjoy it to the core. Morning exercises make you stress free and help to start the day on a positive note.
  • Have a healthy breakfast: Never skip your breakfast because of the rush in the morning. It is the foremost and important meal of the day. Make good breakfast choices everyday. It has so many long term health benefits such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart diseases and diabetes.
  • Express Gratitude: Expressing your thankfulness to any minor things happening your life may help you to start your day with a positive note. Being thankful is a good quality and it helps you to become a better person. Keeping a gratitude journal will help you to improve this quality.

